We offer a wide range of Alu-Pers Couplings. These couplings come with color-coded indicators to signify their sizes. The color diameters are red (16 x 2.0), blue (20 x 2.0), purple (26 x 3.0), and brown (32 x 3.0).
The Alu-Press system is used in hot and cold water systems, plumbing, and heating/cooling equipment as well as central heating installations. The purpose of Alu-Press couplings is to connect multilayer pipes and fittings with a press connection. Alu-Press couplings come with various Alu-Press rings to ensure that the coupling is correctly positioned in the TH profile jaw. Each size is color-coded, making it easy for you to choose the right fit.
Alu-Pers couplings are easy to install for connecting copper pipes and multilayer pipes. This assembly can be performed quickly and easily, ensuring a secure and safe seal. Using the inspection windows under the Alu-Pers ring makes it much easier to check and position the pipe correctly.
An Alu-Pers coupling is quite similar to Uponor or Henco couplings. Like Alu-Pers couplings, Henco and Uponor couplings also have inspection windows, ensuring correct installation on the multilayer pipe. The housing of Alu-Pers couplings is highly corrosion-resistant, while the housing of Uponor and Henco couplings is somewhat less corrosion-resistant. The press sleeves of Uponor and Henco couplings also have a color code, similar to Alu-Pers couplings, indicating the size of the coupling.
Do you have an Uponor or Henco system? No problem, as Alu-Pers couplings are compatible with both Uponor and Henco systems.
You have a significant advantage when choosing to purchase a complete Bonfix Alu-Pers system. If you opt for a full Bonfix system, you'll receive a 10-year system warranty. Please note that this only applies if you have a complete Bonfix system. If you choose to use a Bonfix Alu-Pers coupling on an Uponor or Henco system, you cannot take advantage of the 10-year system warranty.
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